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New in-home bone mineral density screening program
February 3, 2025

This article is for primary care providers who order bone mineral density tests for Medicare Advantage patients only
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If you have a Medicare Advantage patient who has had a fracture in the past six months, our Mobile Screening Team may be reaching out. They will send you a Bone Mineral Density Order form. Once signed and returned, it will allow the Mobile Screening Team nurses to conduct an ultrasound bone mineral density test in the patient’s home. There is no cost to the member.

Who is eligible for home bone mineral density tests?

Female Medicare Advantage members ages 67 to 85 who are part of the osteoporosis Medicare Advantage Stars measure. To participate, members must:

  • Have had a fracture in the last six months
  • Not have had a bone mineral density scan in the last two years
  • Not be taking medication to treat osteoporosis in the last year
  • Have an active primary care provider who can order the bone mineral density test

How does the program work?

  • Our Mobile Screening Team will fax to your office our new Bone Mineral Density Order Form, partially completed with the patient’s name and address, and date of fracture.
  • Please fill in the required fields and have the primary care provider sign the form.
  • Fax the completed form to our Mobile Screening team at 1-617-246-3071.
  • A team member will schedule a visit for a nurse to visit the patient directly and perform the scan in their home.
  • Our team will fax results to the ordering provider at the fax number indicated on the form for interpretation and discussion with the patient. We will send the results of the test to the ordering provider and mail a copy of the test results to the member with instructions to call their provider for next steps. 

