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Telehealth coverage reminders
August 31, 2021

As of July 1, 2021, we reinstated member cost share (copayment, co-insurance, deductible) for non-COVID-19 related telehealth services. This applies to all medical services, including mental health and substance use disorder services.

What didn’t change

  • We still cover medically necessary COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 telehealth services for our members, whether or not they have the benefit, until otherwise announced.
  • We still waive member cost share for COVID-19-related telehealth.
  • We still reimburse for telehealth services at the same rate as in-person visits.

We will eventually make changes to our telehealth payment policies and will notify you of these changes via a News Alert. Until then, please continue to reference the COVID-19 Temporary payment policy.

What you can do

  • Continue providing telehealth services to our members as usual.
  • Verify the member’s cost share before rendering services.
  • Collect any applicable copayment, co-insurance, or deductible from the member.

Note: We recommend billing the member after your claim has processed to ensure you are collecting the accurate cost share amount. This will help avoid having to reimburse the member.
