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New security measures for Provider Central start in January
November 27, 2024

This article is for all Provider Central users
Please be sure to share with others in your practice or organization who use Provider Central

Have you checked your Provider Central email address yet to make sure it’s still valid?

In 2025, we’re adding a new Provider Central sign in process—called multi-factor authentication—that will require you to authenticate your identity using your email address.

In the past, you may have used a group email address (an email that’s shared by multiple people). With this new sign in process, each individual user will need to be registered for Provider Central with their own email address.

Multi-factor authentication is widely used; you may have signed in to your personal bank account or credit card account following this authentication process. It complies with the latest security standards that reduce the risk of cybersecurity and privacy incidents. We plan to implement multi-factor authentication starting on January 17, 2025.

Below, we provide additional information about this process to help you get ready. If you have questions, please contact your network representative.

Frequently asked questions

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How do I update my current email address?
  • On the homepage screen after logging in, select My Profile. You’ll see this in the upper right-hand side of your screen.
  • Choose Edit to update your email address, if needed. Each user in your organization, practice, or facility will need to have their own email address.
What will I need to do to authenticate?
Step  Sign in (using your existing username and password).

Step  Check your email for a one-time verification code.

Step  Enter the six-digit verification code. You’ll have 10 minutes.

Step  Success! Authentication is complete and you’ll be taken right to the homepage.
  • News Alert: "Action required: Provider Central log in process to change in 2025."
    Log in and go to News. Filter by News Alerts to find the News Alert with this headline.
