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Experience and Outcomes Surveys

Surveys collect data about consumers’ experiences with their health care providers and plans. The data are used by different stakeholders in many ways, including to:

  • Give consumers information that helps them choose providers and health plans
  • Develop and evaluate quality improvement activities and resources
  • Monitor performance and reward top-performing providers and health plans

Patient experience educational videos

Check out this video for evidence-based tactics to enhance patient experience.

The Value of a Positive Patient Experience (2 min.)    
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  • CAHPS®̍ HealthPlan Survey and H-CAHPS (Hospital CAHPS*)
    CAHPS surveys, administered by AHRQ, measure consumers’ experiences with their primary care providers, specialists, hospitals, and health plans. The results are an integral part of the CMS Star ratings, Health Plan Accreditation, and NCQA Health Insurance Plan Ratings.
  • Health Outcomes Survey (HOS)
    CMS surveys Medicare Advantage members annually to collect information related to their physical and mental health, daily activities, and sleep patterns. The results from this survey show how well health plans help members maintain or improve their health over time. The survey contains three questions that address functional status including: urinary incontinence, fall prevention, and levels of physical activity. It is important to ensure your members are active participants in their discussions with you about these topics.
  • Statewide Patient Experience Survey (PES*)
    The Massachusetts Health Quality Partners (MHQP) administers this survey to learn about patients’ experiences with providers and staff in primary care and specialty care settings, including telehealth. We use data from this survey in tiering and performance programs involving commercial members.
  • Medicare Advantage-specific patient experience and outcomes surveys
    Blue Cross conducts periodic surveys of our Medicare Advantage members to understand their care experience. We use results from these surveys in our performance programs involving Medicare Advantage members.

* Hospital CAHPS and the Statewide Patient Experience Survey (PES) are not used in the calculation of the Star ratings.

  • Medicare Advantage 5-Star Playbook for more information on the HOS and CAHPS®̍ survey, including:
    • Descriptions of both surveys and measure definitions.
    • The measures that providers may impact.
    • Best practice advice to help close gaps in care.
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