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Clinicians: Keep directory information current
We're required by law to keep our provider directories current and up-to-date, including whether you are accepting new patients. You are also obligated by your Blue Cross provider Agreement to do so. Your updates are critical, so members have the most accurate information. Even if your information is accurate today, please be sure to submit changes as they arise throughout the year.

For practice or contact information changes, such as changes to your address or phone number, use the Standardized Provider Information Change Form or the Sale of Dental Practice Form. Fax completed forms to 617-246-9397.

For changes related to

  • New dentist joining your group
  • New Tax ID Number (TIN)
  • Joining a practice
  • Opening a practice
  • Adding another product or network to your contract
  • Your new legal name

Email or call your Dental Network Manager. Refer to the chart below for your contact.

For practices located in: Your Dental Network Manager is:
North Shore and New Hampshire Katie O’Brien
South Shore, Cape Cod, and the Islands David Brow
Central & Western Massachusetts John Basile
Boston and Metro-West Sidonnie Parara